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Providing classroom materials and online learning to help your students succeed

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The Success Sequence Program

The positive alternative to sex education


The Success Sequence Program consists of 4 character-based workbooks designed to teach youth the optimal pathway for future success with a clear emphasis on the objective benefits of reserving all sexual activity and childbearing for marriage.

Explore The Success Sequence Workbooks

Grades 6 - 9
Grades 7 - 10
Grades 8 - 11
Grades 9 - 12

Tools to help you succeed!

Online Training for Teachers

Are you a teacher interested in learning online? We have brand new online courses to help you prepare to teach our courses to your students.

Visit our courses page to preview a sample training video for each course.

We’re here to help!

Illinois and Indiana Live Tranings

Dates from 3/6 - 4/10

Illinois Success Sequence Program: Live Webinar

1:30 - 2 pm CST
3:30 - 4 pm CST
December 11, 2024