Everyone has a different purpose in life. Although there are over six billion people in the world at this moment, no two people are exactly alike. Everyone is different. People have different skills, talents, and abilities. People have different interests, personalities, and temperaments. Every person is unique and every person has a different purpose in life.
What about you? What’s your purpose? What are your dreams? Your purpose and plan won’t be written in the sky. It will come about as the result of making a plan for your life and then staying committed to it. It has been said that “People don’t plan to fail – they fail to plan.”
Without a plan for the future, people often press ahead in life without really knowing where they’re going. Years later they are discontent, discouraged, and unsure of what their life is all about. It is especially important to begin thinking through your plan for the future now, during the teen years, before launching out into adulthood.
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