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Course Category: Teacher Training

Aspire – Teacher Training Overview

Aspire is geared toward students in grades 8-12 in public or private schools. Aspire encourages students to seek their future goals, including educational and financial success, as well as healthy future marriage and family life. 

Quest – Teacher Training Overview

Quest is geared toward students in grades 7-10 in public or private schools. Quest uses true stories to help students along life’s journey. Practical instruction helps students identify their future goals, such as marriage and family, and avoid obstacles such as sexual activity and other risk behaviors that could keep them from achieving their goals.

Navigator – Teacher Training Overview

  Navigator is geared toward students in grades 9-12 in public or private schools. Navigator helps students identify and avoid risk behaviors such as sexual activity, pornography, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Students are encouraged to navigate their way to a healthy, successful future.

Game Plan – Teacher Training Overview

Game Plan, formerly distributed by Project Reality, is geared toward students in grades 6-9 in public or private schools. Game Plan uses a sports analogy to help students understand the importance of strategically setting goals, including choosing to save sex for marriage. Students are encouraged to make a Game Plan for their lives.