Quest – Student
Chapter 1: Life is a Journey
The Adventurous Journey
The Dreamer
The Good Life
First Steps
Got Goals?
Future Life
Pressing On Toward My Goals!
Getting There
Talking It Over
Chapter 1 Assessment
1 Assessment
Chapter 1 Assessment
Chapter 2: Mapping Your Course
Sofia Sets Her Course
Finding your Way
Choosing Abstinence
Considering the Benefits of Abstinence
The Safe Place
Dealing with Pressures
Standing Strong
Sofia’s Fresh Start
Talking It Over
Chapter 2 Assessment
1 Assessment
Chapter 2 Assessment
1 of 4
The Adventurous Journey
Quest – Student
The Adventurous Journey
A quest is an adventurous journey. Whether or not you want to go on a’re already on one – it’s a journey called life. Where are you going? Where do you want to go?
Many people end up in the middle of their lives asking themselves, “How did I end up here? This isn’t where I wanted to be.” Why do you suppose some people end up in a place that they don’t want to be?
Some people’s lives seem to work out really well. They have time, money, freedom, and a nice place to live. Do you ever wonder how they got that way? Do you ever wonder what your life will be like? Are there things you can do now that will help you reach your future goals and dreams?
Not Sure
You have two choices along life’s journey:
1. Decide where you want to go and work toward making it happen.
2. Go wherever life happens to take you.
When is a good time to write out your future goals and dreams?
This Year
Next Year
After High School
After College
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